Travel News Namibia

/Travel News Namibia
Travel News Namibia 2021-02-05T12:50:39+00:00

travel news namibia magazine.

  • Luxury travel publication
  • 4 Seasonal issues (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring)
  • 2 Annual issues (German language special edition, EU & UK Market special edition)
our audience.
our market.

Our readers love…Personal guides / testimonials, quick info, checklists (what to bring), route planners, authentically namibian content, lists – top 10 everything, fast facts, inspiring & positive stories, inspiring & positive stories.


Physical copies distributed in Namibia, South Africa, and in Germany and the UK by the Namibia Tourism Board. Distributed at all major travel fairs by the Namibian Tourism Board (including ITB and Travel Indaba).

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